Webinar on the Management of Peritoneal Metastasis Colorectal Cancer, March 27th, 2021

Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA, United States

On March 27th, 2021, ISSPP will broadcast a live webinar under the lead of Byrne Lee, MD FACS, Director, Regional Cancer Therapies and Clinical Professor of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine. The program will cover the latest advances in the field, addressing in particular: Systemic Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Cytoreductive Surgery and Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy […]

PIPAC training course in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Sep 1st-2nd, 2021

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) Rue du Bugnon 46, Lausanne, Switzerland

The Dept. of General and Gastrointestinal surgery, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, will organize a PIPAC training course on Sep 1st-2nd, 2021. The course was first scheduled in June but was postponed because of the Covid pandemic. The Lausanne PIPAC course is certified by ISSPP and will be hosted by Prof. Martin Hübner and his team. […]

First PIPAC training course in Israel on Oct. 20-22nd, 2021

Sheba Medical Center Tel-Hashomer, Israel

Prof. Aviram Nissan, MD and Dr. Almog Ben-Yaacov MD organize the first PIPAC training course in Israel on Oct. 20-22nd, 2021.  Objectives are to learn the indications, the technique, and the occupational safety aspects of the procedure. There will be dry lab training and live demonstrations at the OR. At the end of the course, […]

PIPAC training course in Tübingen, Germany on Nov 4-5th, 2021

University Hospital Tübingen, Klinikum Berg, CRONA level 4 Hoppe Seyler Str. 3, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The National Center for Pleura and Peritoneum (NCPP) at the University of Tübingen, Germany, will organize a PIPAC training course on Nov 4-5th, 2021. The course is certified by ISSPP and will be hosted by Prof. M.A. Reymond, the inventor of PIPAC. Objectives are to learn the indications, the technique, and the occupational safety aspects […]


Fourth Scandinavian PIPAC Workshop in Odense, Denmark, on Dec 2-3rd, 2021

Odense PIPAC Center, HPB & Upper GI Section, Department of GI Surgery, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital, Denmark, will organize a PIPAC training course on December 2-3, 2021. The Fourth Scandinavian PIPAC Workshop is certified by ISSPP and will be hosted by Professor Michael Bau Mortensen and Martin Graversen, MD PhD. Objectives are […]

Fourth Scandinavian PIPAC Workshop in Odense, Denmark, on May 19-20rd, 2022

Odense PIPAC Center, Odense University Hospital

Odense PIPAC Center, HPB & Upper GI Section, Department of GI Surgery, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital, Denmark, will organize a PIPAC training course on May 19-20, 2022. The Fourth Scandinavian PIPAC Workshop is certified by ISSPP and will be hosted by Professor Michael Bau Mortensen and Martin Graversen, MD PhD. Objectives are […]
